Minor Life Goals

  • Learn all of the words to Bruce Springsteens Dancing in the Dark
    I was once at a gig where the bassist snapped a string. The guitarist filled the awkward silence with a little singalong of this song, but was pretty disappointed to find that although plenty people joined in for the chorus, nobody in the crowd knew much of the song at all. Next time though...
  • Go on a game show
    Though the cash prizes become less fabulous as time goes on, I've always fancied going on some game show or other. If anything, I suppose it'd be a free trip to London, Manchester or wherever for the night!
  • Get 4/4 on a Never Mind the Buzzcocks intros round.,
    I've never managed it. It'd probably just be luck if I ever did. Reruns don't count!
  • Write another blog post that actually gets hits
    I wrote one that got infinitely more hits than the other. And I just hope I can do it again.