20 January 2012

Frightened Rabbit at Cab Vol, "Sick Note" 19 January 2012

This show was only announced 6 days in advance, which is never a promising start. Tickets were initially to be on the door but confusingly, a ticketweb link followed 3 days later. There was a lot of mucking about with tickets for the Glasgow show, where people were frantically clicking for hours and the site wouldn't play ball. Thankfully I managed to bag myself a ticket for the Edinburgh show without too much trouble. Bargain at £4!

I got there at about 11 (doors were 10) and spotted the queue. It stretched right down to the Cowgate and round the corner! Thankfully, I could skip it since I already had my tickets. The room gradually filled up until midnight (supposed stage time) by which time it was a towards being uncomfortably busy. It was another half hour til they came on. I've since found out they were outside doing a few songs for the people who'd waited out in the cold for hours and didn't get in. Nice guys really, but let down tonight by some god awful management at Cab Vol.

Even though I'd gone outside to smoke as late as 11:45, I still managed to get a space downstairs, albeit further back. I and the other 199 people that fit in the part of the building that was supposed to usually filled for gigs had a great night, but the other 250-400 distributed through the rest of the place probably weren't impressed.

Anyway, here's the setlist with a few notes, followed by some of Scott's banter I was able to note down

New: Holy (didn't note anything down about it, sorry)
Nothing Like You
New: Dead Now "something wrong with me"
Old Old Fashioned
New: Boxing Night
New: Backyard Skulls (On the surface reads like a song bt Fred west )
The Modern Leper
Swim Until you Can't See Land
New: Oil Slick "took a walk" "Misery loves you" "disarterous times"
My Backwards Walk (done the new way with delay on the first verse then with the steady beat)
New: State Hospital "magpies handbags" "heart beats like a breeze block falling down the stairs" "bloods thicker than concrete"
Good Arms (didnt skip last line, like he's done for as long as I remember!)
Living on colour
Loneliness (Then with the crowd still singing back the "oh" straight into...)
Square Nine

Encore: Keep Yourself Warm (With Twilight Sad's "The Room" as an outro)
             "You're the grandsons
               Just the grandsons toy in the corner
               don't tell anyone else
               You were seen in the cherry tree
               Look what you have done"

After the first song, Scott gave a bit of an apology. He'd been told there were to be 200 tickets sold online, and 200 on the door. "Well, one of those things were true!"  It was in fact 400 online and 200 on the door. This in a venue I'd expect to have around people comfortably.  The rest, he remarked were invited to sit upstairs and watch the show on a couple of tellys! "You could go on youtube at home and do that for free- at least then there'd be no other cunts getting in the way and no waiting in the cold!

@FRabbits tweets tell a similar story, but that they only let a total of 450 people in, although lots more had paid!

Scott assured the crowd that "Bands might throw this around a bit but we can definitely say we're not coming back here!"

After "Swim" he had a bit of a spiel about the new album being depressing. He mentioned his girlfriend at the time being a little confused about it despite him being generally happy. He said "It turned out to be nice... I think"

"if you like the songs, make sure and fill out a feedback form, that's why we're doing these wee shows!"

After backwards he talked more about the new songs "You get to the point where we can play all the songs with backwards, with our closed eyes and in our sleep. Then someone comes along and says you have to wrote a new album... Fuck off... Dad!"

Great show for me, although I was 3/4 of the way back on the floor. I can assure you that anyone who liked the band would have loved the show had they been where I was or better. It's just unfortunate that that only really covers one third of the attendees. Less if you count those outside.

Kudos to Frightened Rabbit; Paper bags filled with dog shit to Cabaret Voltaire.

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