12 January 2012

Getting a handle on things

While signing up for the newly launched Netflix on Monday I realised something horrible.
I've been using the same username for about 8 years.
I use it for everything, Twitter, Facebook, last.fm, xbox live and now of course Netflix.

As far as I remember thought it up while joining a forum. This was the first time I didn't want to use my real name for some reason. Anyway, I must've thought this handle was hilarious or something because I immediately stopped using my [firstinitial][surname][integer]@[isp].co.uk (freeserve dialup at the time, I believe) address and migrated everything to my brand spanking new lendafender@hotmail.com.

Let's make this clear - I HATE IT!

Wondering what it means? So am I!. 
Was I making some kind of joke about borrowing a guitar? Did I play guitar in 2004? Is it something about a fender bender, like a car crash? I just don't know.

On more than one occasion, I've gone part-way through the process of changing it on some sites, only to rage close the tab thinking the same thing each time Can I really be sure that I won't hate this new username in 6 months time? 
That's the only thing that's stopped me from moving to anything new.

I guess I'm stuck with it. When it comes down to it, I think I'd rather stick to the login I hate than become one of those bastards that changes their handle as often than their underwear. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I've been using "FinalCoyote" since I got an Xbox Live account back in like, 2003 - it was a randomly generated username that I took and have used ever since.
    I quite frequently get asked on forums what the hell it means... I feel your pain.
